The Community Medical Clinic of Kershaw County
From the beginning, 亚博全站网站线上下载(CMC)的使命是为我们社区没有保险的人提供医疗保健. One of the most common responses we hear during conversations about our clinic is "I didn't know you did so much." 这是因为亚博全站网站线上下载(CMC)不仅仅是一个免费诊所. 我们的使命是提供医疗保健和连接资源,以实现更健康的克肖县. We provide direct medical services to those in Kershaw County who cannot afford to see a doctor. 我们也明白,医疗保健不是一个人过上健康生活的唯一因素,所以我们 work diligently to help connect individuals to needed community resources. And finally, we are leading the charge to improve population health through our Livewell Kershaw Coalition.
We understand the importance of collaboration. We bring individuals, volunteers, churches, businesses, and other community organizations together to make a difference. Become an integral part of developing innovative solutions to empower county residents to live healthier lives. In the end, we all become part of a stronger, more vibrant community.
Our Impact
% of our direct services budget from donations from individuals and churches
ROI from $1 donation
Cost savings from reduced ER visits
Value of Community Partnerships